The American Ladder Institute (ALI) has designated March 2017 as the first annual Nation Ladder Safety Month. Every year, over 300 people die in ladder-related accidents, and thousands suffer disabling injuries. ALI wants to raise awareness to this serious issue and has set goals for March.
The goals of National Ladder Safety Month are to:
- Increase the number of ladder safety training certificates issued by ALI
- Increase the frequency that ladder safety training modules are viewed on www.laddersafetytraining.org
- Lower the rankings of ladder-related safety citations on OSHA’s yearly “Top 10 Citations List”
- Decrease number of ladder-related injuries and fatalities
- Increase the number of competent ladder inspector trainings
- Increase the number of companies and individuals that inspect and properly dispose of old, damaged or obsolete ladders
Click here to sign up for more information regarding National Ladder Safety Month. Download a Ladder Safety Checklist here!