Every year in the United States, workplace electrical incidents result in more than 300 deaths and 3,500 injuries. While electrical hazards are not the leading cause of on-the-job injuries and fatalities, they are disproportionately fatal and costly. For every 13 electrical injuries – a worker dies. According to OSHA, electrical incidents cause an average of 13 days away from work and nearly one fatality every day. Electrical incidents rank 6th among all causes of work-related deaths in the U.S. Over the past decade, 46,000 workers were injured from on the job electrical hazards and a worker is severely hurt every 30 minutes from electricity.
To help reduce the possibility of more electrical incidents, ESFI (Electrical Safety Foundation International) has declared May as National Electrical Safety Month. This years theme is Electrical Safety During National Disasters. Check out resources below provided by ESFI.